04/2020 (a week)
Cinephile in few words
Cinephile, a personal app to list the movies and series that I watched and to get some statistics about it.
Cinephile in detail
Cinephile, is an ongoing project that I started to try new technologies, it's available on my Github (Cinephile-SwiftUI). The goal of this project is to make an opinion about SwiftUI and Swift Package Manager (I always used CocoaPods) to see if it's viable for a bigger project.
The data of this app are fetched from API. This API allow to fetch a list of movies/series that I watched and also trending movies/series. I connect to this API using OAuth2 protocol.
It's still an ongoing project/playground, some part are missing like Error Handling (unless 401), UI (loaders, views empty states, general design...), ...
Swift 5, SwiftUI
Alamofire, Kingfisher, OAuth2, (SwiftLint)
XCode, Swift Package Manager, Figma, Github, SourceTree, Postman
The App
Basic app using TabView (SwiftUI version of TabBarController) with 3 items, Watched, Trending and Profile.
The "Watched" page is a paginated list of movies (and series soon) that i watched, a detail of the movie is available. "Trending" page is a paginated list of movies (and series soon) that are currently trending with also a detail available. "Profile" page is some detail about the user, last watched movie and statistique about the movies and series watched.